One Strip Of 8000 Firecrackers.
200 GRAM - Multi Shot Cakes
The Multi-Shot Action Items Send Flying Missiles In Every Direction At An Incredibly Fast Rate.
Aerial Tubes & Reloads
Single Shot Tube - Palm Tree Effect
One Strip Of 800 Firecrackers.
10 Shots Cake - Super Powerful Effects.
One Strip Of 4000 Firecrackers.
One Strip of 16,000 Firecrackers.
24 Extreme Firepower Shells
25 Shot Red Tail to Red & White Glitter, Green Tail to Silver Crysanthemum, Blue Tail to Blue & Gold.
10 Power Packed Shells Shoots Exploding Balls.
19 Shot Action Packed- Red Tail to Huge Red, White & Blue Glitter ends with Crazy Screams and Green Time...